Saturday, October 10, 2015

MY Konjac Sponge Activated Charcoal Facial Sponge

As I have mentioned before, I am trying really hard to take better care of the skin on my face. I have always stayed out of the sun, but in the past never used a good cleanser, I never moisturized, I never used a serum or anything. You have to start taking care of your skin while you are still young, and this Konjac Sponge is another step in the right direction. 

For those of you who do not know what a konjac sponge is, it is made from Amorphophallus konjac plant. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, and they have been using it for beauty purposes in Asia for a long tie before making it's way over here to the US. 

The MY Konjac Sponge Activated Charcoal Facial Sponge does a great job of exfoliating, so you might think that it feels kind if rough, but it is actually really soft on your skin. Because it is so soft I think it would be really hard to over-do it and end up with raw, dry, and/or itchy skin. It makes my skin feel smooth and soft, and it has actually really helped with my acne (I think. I have a whole new skin regimen, so maybe it's everything combined) which is soo nice. For more information or to order your own, check out Amazon or their website.

I received this product from Tomosn for my honest and unbiased review.

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